PDF Importer
Using the PDF importer for its basic usage is really simple: once the plugin is activated, just drag and drop your PDF files in the editor like you would do with any image file, fill in the import options, and it will just work. More details on import options are given in this page.
And for Runtime import, it is explained below.
Import options
To import your PDF file inside Unreal Editor, just drag and drop it inside your content browser. Then, you will be able to chose which pages to import as well as the resolution of the pages:
This menu shows up when PDF files are dropped in the assets.
The section Page Range allows specifying the page to include as assets. If the checkbox "Specify Page Range" is checked, all the pages between the one given by "First Page" and the one given by "Last Page" (excluded) will be loaded.
The section Ppi allows defining the resolution of the texture that will be generated for each page of the PDF. The unit is in pixel per points. It is capped at 600.
The plugin also offers you the possibility to import PDF files at runtime. Here's how to do it.
Runtime import
Runtime import relies on the Load PDF function. It takes as a single parameter the path to the file to read and returns a PDFInfo object.
This object can be used to get the total number of pages of the PDF file, or through the GetPDFPage function, convert a given page as a texture file. You can eventually update a material’s texture thanks to the return value of this node, as presented in above example.