Email Sender for Unreal
Using the Email Sender for Unreal is quite straightforward, it can be done in three simple steps:
Initialize the Email Sender
Create an email and configure it (i.e. add recipients, a content, etc.)
Send it using an SMTP server
The initialization is done with the EmailSenderInitialize node. This must be called only once before any other call to the EmailSender functions:
Then an email must be created:
It takes only two parameters:
The "From" is the email of the sender (i.e. your email)
The "Subject" will be the subject line of your email
The return value is an Email object that you will edit using the Email Sender functions (to add recipients, a body, etc.)
To add a recipient, the following EmailSenderAddTo node must be called:
With the Email between the email of the recipients. Similar functions exists to add a CC recipient or a BCC recipient.
Then, it's time to write the content of the email using the EmailSenderSetBody node:
With Body being the content of the email. This field is a string, it can contain HTML code if required.
Once the email is set-up, it's possible to send it using either EmailSenderSend or EmailSenderSendSecure (recommended):
With the following parameters:
Smtpserver is the hostname of your SMTP server
Smtpport the port of your SMTP server
Username is your username for authentication on the SMTP server
Password is your password for authentication on the SMTP server
The return value is the eventual error message, if there was an error while sending the email.